The PU515A 3BSE032401R1 is a Real-Time Accelerator (RTA) board for PCI bus. Used in newer Advant HP workstations that have PCI slots. Used for Master systems and MOD 300 systems with eDCN.
The DO814 is a 16 channel 24 V digital output module with current sinking for the S800 I/O. Please Contact Us For Availability Now - 10% Off Your First Order!
07KP93 Communication Module, MODBUS protocol, 2 communication channels, Master and Slave operation, operation Interfaces RS232/422/485, Supply Voltage 24 Vdc.
This product comes from the Advant Controller Module 31 range.The equipment with type CPU is manufactured by ABB and commercialized under the reference GJR5253100R3262.
The CI867/TP867 is used for connection between an AC 800M controller and external Ethernet devices using Modbus TCP us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.US$2,500.00
AC 800M is a family of rail-mounted modules, consisting of CPU:s, communication modules, power supply modules and various accessories. There are several CPU modules to choose from, ranging from medium processor power and low cost to high processor power and support for full redundancy.
The ABB PFEA111-65 3BSE050090R65 is a Tension Electronics module used in industrial control systems, particularly those manufactured by ABB. 100% insured shipping: A guarantee for your purchases ; please contact us.
The SPIET800 is an INFI-NET to computer transfer module. It enables communication with the host computer using the TCP/IP over Ethernet or RS-232-C protocols. It receives data from the controllers over the control network and sorts, organizes and stores this data until the host computer requests it.
NOTE: The SPNPM22 module is fit and functional replacement for the INNPM22 module. All reference to NPM22 module in the website apply to the INFI 90 and Symphony Plus versions of these products (INNPM22/SPNPM22).